
moon phases

Domestication - 2008-02-28
Logical? - 2008-02-27
A new start.... - 2008-02-23
Back from vacation - 2007-10-02
Memorial Day & not being around - 2007-06-25
Ophelia's Tomb

This diary of mine (2006-12-07 - 3:22 a.m.)

So as some of you have noticed, I have taken down all archives and stuff like that. I have all the entries on my hard drive, but I wanted to start fresh and I honestly do not want to come up with a new name and a whole new diary to do it. Thus, I just blanked out this one and started new. At first I had this grand idea that I would post my weight loss stories and that would be it. But, a weight loss diary is dull at best and really who cares? Plus, when I get here I find that I really don't feel like putting up the stories (hence why no update since 11/16/06). I'm not sure what I feel like putting up, but it's not those stories.

Mainly because while I loose weight, and I have, it's slow as a snails pace at the moment. It's no ones fault it just is. And in the mist of holiday shopping I have eaten out more then in due to time. I've been cutting back, but it's still eating out more then I should. However cheating has helped and I was able to weight myself at home for the first time in years the other day. I doubt I can still do it, but for that brief moment, I did see the future. I did see hope. I did promptly kick my self in the ass and ate out the next day.

Maybe I have a fear of being thin? Or rather thin-er?

So, I am just going to put up stuff as I can. I am going to try and update as much as possible and damn it, I might even get a new lay out or something. If anyone can recomend sites, please send them my way. Maybe a new change for 2007? Would be nice would it not?

What I have done today is caught up on all my buddy journals. I'll check and see if I have anyone new who linked into me. Then, I'll see what else is out there. At least that is the plan for now. *g* So, don't write me off just yet, I'm just in a phase that needs a bit more flushing out.

Music / TV: Nothing
Current Book: His Majesty's Dragon by Naomi Novik
Feeling: Okay over all

"Two-buck cover. Dollar imports after midnight."
From the battlements....

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