
moon phases

Domestication - 2008-02-28
Logical? - 2008-02-27
A new start.... - 2008-02-23
Back from vacation - 2007-10-02
Memorial Day & not being around - 2007-06-25
Ophelia's Tomb

Starvation is not key! (2006-11-16 - 12:18 p.m.)

Lets see...

I hae gained back 2 pounds. Mom-in-law decided to call Nutrisystem for me to find out why. Turns out that this diet is 1,200 caleries a day. WTF!?!?! Given a general estimation of what is use to eat a day (around 4,000 or more caleries) the conclusion is that my body is now in starvation mode!


What does this mean, it means that is why I am so tired most of the time. It means my body is trying to shut me down because it does not have any fuel to run on. It means I CAN'T LOOSE WEIGHT because my body is holding onto everything! Because I am now STARVING myself!

Anyone else think this is just friggen NUTS!

Sorry for all the caps and bolds and such. But seriously, I thought eating less and then eating the right things was suppose to help. Turns out if you cut to much to fast you will hurt your body and not help it. Plus, I have been bad and not gone on to the work out and such I am suppose to do 3 times a week. So, end result is....

I get to add things to my diet to help my body adjust to less caleries. I get to eat more (god, I can not eat all the time like this) I am just not use to eating 5 times a day. It's not me!

But we went to the store today and I am feeling a bit better. She said I should have a reasonable cheat day 1 time a week (this I have been praying for). And when I do, trying to eat less then before.

I have to admit we have had a few more cheat days then I wanted since we went out for the birthday celibration. But honestly, when work is nuts... I can't come home to deal with cooking and chopping and shit. Not when ordering a pizza is so friggen easy!

Still with this news I have some focus back, not much but enough to keep trying.

Please wish me luck!

And many thanks to Mz. Em I have gotten your comments and they help! I really appriciate it.

BTW - total side note - I have requested help on the comments thing from Andrew. I am still getting spam comments on an entry that no longer exists. The emails are getting to just be annoying to sort through. I'll keep you posted on how it goes. Currently, have not heard back yet.

Music / TV: Nothing
Current Book: His Majesty's Dragon by Naomi Novik
Feeling: Okay

"Two-buck cover. Dollar imports after midnight."
From the battlements....

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