
moon phases

Domestication - 2008-02-28
Logical? - 2008-02-27
A new start.... - 2008-02-23
Back from vacation - 2007-10-02
Memorial Day & not being around - 2007-06-25
Ophelia's Tomb

Step 2 and 3 in one (2006-10-26 - 8:07 a.m.)

So I posted step 1 about 21 days or so ago. I have been meaning to post step 2 for awhile but it just hasn't come out. So here we go with a catch up of sorts.

Step 2 - getting the 40 pound box in the mail and getting it up stairs. I'm not sure if the people at NutraSystems understand that people ording their food are FAT and not really into LIFTING HEAVY ASS BOXES? Still, it was done. Then came the digging into the said box to find what I could find. What did I find you ask? A lot of well propotioned food (read small food dishes), breakfastes and lunchs. Not enough to put me off, but enough to make me concerned for sure. Then came the paper work. This "it's so easy to follow" crap. Yeah it's easy once you know what you need to go to the store and friggn buy! I needed salad stuff, veggie stuff and honestly, I don't eat most of what they consider "add ins" I am just not a collard green person. Still, store list in hand Zap and I went (not at first it took us a bit but we did it). I'm concerned at the amount of money we needed to spend on the add in's. But I am still hoping come months end, this will save us money.

Step 3: So we started last Thursday October 19th. My weigh in is Fridays because currently I need to use the scale at work because I am to heavy for my scale at home.

First impressions: This diet puts you on a schedule. Keeps me doing dishes and over all, keeps me filled with gas (TMI? Fuck it). The food surprisingly tastes good. I have not had a dish I turned my nose up at yet! I eat a lot but I still find that I am hungry. Zap took some time to look at the dishes and I agree with his conclusions. It's regular food just in the correct surving size you are suppose to have so you don't over do it. This will help me one day get off it I hope. Plus it shows you just how many times you are suppose to eat in a day.

I got my start weight and I know the end weight that I would like. I weigh myself once a week only as they tell you to. I cheated this first week because I just felt like this was doing nothing for me so Zap put me on the scale and I had lost 1 pound. I'm still iffy, but it was a pound. I will see tonight when I go into work for the offical total. It seems to be working on him, but I'm told men are different that way.

My emotions are off the hook. I was laughing yesterday and out of the blue just started crying like a baby. Then I got depressed because my dogs don't speak english (oh just don't ask) and work is very just exhausting for me over all. Still I am trying to get past it all and into a better / thiner place.

More to come.

Music / TV: Nothing
Current Book: His Majesty's Dragon by Naomi Novik
Feeling: Tired

"Two-buck cover. Dollar imports after midnight."
From the battlements....

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