
moon phases

Domestication - 2008-02-28
Logical? - 2008-02-27
A new start.... - 2008-02-23
Back from vacation - 2007-10-02
Memorial Day & not being around - 2007-06-25
Ophelia's Tomb

Writing and Work (2007-02-03 - 2:35 p.m.)

Work is coming a long, have lots of things to do and no time. The day off helped eased some tension, but as always when you come back to 12 more things then you left and you have more things piling on - guess what - the things you were going to do just don't get done and thus the back up of life begins! Still I took some time today at home and put the plans together for some do-able tasks these next few days. That is the way I am taking it, one day at a time. Best I can do right now.

I am disappointed more then I can say that I have not had a chance to sit down and write, really write. I was going to on my day off but I was so drained from 12 days of work - just wouldn't come - and I want it to. I feel that if I could get back on my creative track I would feel better in general. Or at least start to feel better on some level. One of my goals is to submit something to publication. That goal was to have a non-fanfiction related writing piece out for submission. As it stands right now, I found some contests but I haven�t even looked deeply into them. I don�t know why, but I just haven�t since I printed it out.

My 2005 NaNoWriMo Novel still needs a good edit, I think it would be a sold book on it�s own. I love the concept and I love a good chunk of parts to the story. I just need to flush out some things over all to figure out what I want to keep and what needs to go. I can tell and I remember as I wrote it I was pulling ideas out and working them in. This was not the best thing for the story on the whole but it got me to my word count and during NaNo, that�s what you go for, what gets you to 50,000.

I am trying to flush out two separate ideas but I don�t really know if I will follow them. I am hoping for some small inspiration here or there, I guess a good idea would be to keep a notebook handy to jot down any ideas that come my way. I feel them there somewhere but when I sit down I just loose them somewhere between my brain and fingers.

Still, sooner rather then later, I need to get something down. That is just the bottom line. I feel better when I write, I feel productive in a way that work or cleaning the house can�t give me, I feel better about myself for the most part I guess you could say. I don�t know why, really I don�t but if I had to put a finger on it that would be it.

Now that I know what I need to do, I just need to get back on that diet. *sigh*

Small movie review and book thing you can go here or here

Music / TV: MXC
Current Book: The Hobbit
Feeling: Pretty Good

"Two-buck cover. Dollar imports after midnight."
From the battlements....

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