
moon phases

Domestication - 2008-02-28
Logical? - 2008-02-27
A new start.... - 2008-02-23
Back from vacation - 2007-10-02
Memorial Day & not being around - 2007-06-25
Ophelia's Tomb

Logical? (2008-02-27 - 10:13 a.m.)

My husband is a music buff. I have never met anyone else who comes close - close to have the varried musical tastes as he does. Currently - it's Jazz (very cool Jazz as well that's not recent in most cases). Anyway, why do I put this here. He introduced me a long time ago to Supertramp.

I think one of my favorite songs is "The Logical Song":

When I was young, it seemed that life was so wonderful,
A miracle, oh it was beautiful, magical.
And all the birds in the trees, well theyd be singing so happily,
Joyfully, playfully watching me.

I don't know when I lost this view of the world. Maybe I haven't lost it totally. I am still facinated by many many things when I shut the rest of the world off. I can find joy in watching a bunny rabbit run in the yard. At the dear walking around chewing on grass or hearing foxes in the trees. Peace and calm... soothing things for brief periods of time. Then their is the calm of night and the light of the moon. Amazing... the mood it can create or the soothing comfort you can find in the dark.

There are times when all the worlds asleep,
The questions run too deep
For such a simple man.
Wont you please, please tell me what weve learned
I know it sounds absurd
But please tell me who I am.

This is how I feel - A LOT! I know that probably sounds corny as all get out, but it's the truth. I understand things about the world about business and the human condition and in the end... what have I learned? What really has it gotten me. Am I smart, about certain things I like to think I am. But in the end, I still lay awake thinking of questions that won't go away. Questions about my job, peoples motives or non-motives, where I live, what I would like to do or what I can't do it. Then I wonder why I can't do it? Why shouldn't I do it? Really. Why? Most of the time, unless I fall asleep in the living room and move to the bed room, I will wake myself up THINKING and I don't know how to shut it off.

This is my first time trying a You Tube link so I hope it works. Click to view a video of the song (I hope).

Please tell me who I am....

Music / TV:
Current Book:

"Two-buck cover. Dollar imports after midnight."
From the battlements....

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